The Barretta Company in recent years has modernized its fleet, reaching the highest international standards in the technological field.

In 2024, the Company has expanded its fleet with a new Multipurpose Azimuth Tug:   the EXCALIBUR
The Company performs support and harbor towage, salvage, recovery, refloat with the use of fire-fighting equipment and antipollution and offshore work.


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We are here:

Since 1945

Under sorvegliance of:

Under sorvegliance of:

Brindisi - Via Thaon de Revel 33     I     Tel: +39 0831525165     I     Fax: +39 0831521833

P.I. e C.F:  00060540747    I    Capitale Sociale €  994.000,00 i.v.    I   R.E.A. n° 18338